Wednesday 15 August 2012

It’s not your job to like me, it’s mine. – Byron Katie.

Monday 13 August 2012

The model in ME

I’m a model. That does not mean skinny, anorexic and underweight.

It means I portray ME. All that I am and how I see the world. It’s a reflection of who I am and what I stand for.
Unfortunately the Modeling world has been viewed negatively by international and local models who have made modeling their lives by struggling to live healthy normal lives because they have to stay skinny to portray a particular image.

Teenagers are brought up believing that in order to be a model I have to be skinny.
There is so much more to it than that!

For the past 10 years I have had my fair share of watching models watch what they eat, and make their bodies suffer in order to look good. Luckily I have good genes and I never had to worry about putting on weight because I am naturally slim. 

In this industry you have to be more than that! I have recently joined 360 training in Woodstock with personal trainer Chris Walsh. I’m happy with being slim but I also want to be fit! Strong is the new skinny people!
So many perceive modeling to be this fairytale job where you don’t have to do much beside strut a few poses here and there and that gets you good money. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!

Its takes commitment, determination and most of all confidence in yourself! 

There are thousands of models out there and when you walk into that casting room you have to be YOU in the best way you can be to stand out and be chosen. I’m not going to change the worlds view on models but I hope I’ve given you something to think about. A model is simply a reflection of YOU. Be yourself, be healthy and take care of yourself. You only have one life! Live it wisely!

Friday 3 August 2012

Happy Friday People!!!!!!!!!!!

Inspirational quote of the day goes to Dr. Forrest Shaklee!

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

Have an awesome weekend everyone!

Thursday 2 August 2012

Inspirational quote of the day

”A mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.”

Frank Zappa

Wednesday 1 August 2012


Made August BounceGirl Calendar :)

Check it out below!

Inspirational quote of the day goes to Roy Goodman

”Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.”

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Inspirational quote of the day goes to Thomas Edison

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

Monday 30 July 2012

Brida was the second book i read by Paulo Coelho. While this one took me a while to get into, i really enjoyed how it took me away and it felt as if i was part of the story.

This one is an easy read:)

My journey with Paulo Coelho....

My journey with Paulo Coelho all started when i came across his book The Pilgrimage at a book stall in Town. I had heard what a great writer he was but never read any of his books myself. I'm not a very easy reader! When it comes to books, you either impress me and i carry on happily indulging in what you have to say or the first page bores me to death and i close the book forever! haha!

When i read The Pilgrimage it was like i was reading a passage from my own life. The journey that one is on to discover themselves, their purpose and what God has sent them on Earth to do. I'm very close to God and that's one thing i love about Paulo! The Pilgrimage and the other books i've read of him, ties in closely with bible scriptures and his able to make you understand them through his stories.

I find myself drifting away sometimes because his books are so captivating and extremely hard to put down once opened! Last week i got me The Paulo Coelho Delux Collection.

I don't believe in the library when it comes to finding books that change your life. I'm a firm believer of buying something you will always use again! I will always refer back to Paulo's The Pilgrimage for guidance or even when i just need to get away from the world.I don't want to give too much away about the book because i encourage everyone to read it!

The Pilgrimage is a book about finding oneself. Through the good and bad times and whatever obstacles one may face. It's about carrying on until the end, until you know truly what the meaning to your life is and how to fully embrace that life!

5 Things not to do! ( In my books :)

1. Don't ever think that lying to someone will somehow protect them from the truth! The truth will always set you free! Good or bad!
2. You should never try to size up the next person and judge them on what you know. If you haven't walked a day in their shoes, you have no right to judge!
3. Don't let doubt and fear take over you no matter how the situation may seem. Always trust yourself!
4. Don't make excuses for your failings! Realising what you could've done better makes you stronger!
5. Don't ever forget that you are you for a reason and that God made you for a reason! :)

Tuesday 24 July 2012

August 2012

I dedicate this poem to every woman known and unknown to me. I salute you!

It’s not about the way she looks or the way she does her hair

It’s about her life, her struggling. The things she’s not too fond to share.

Just because she’s smiling and won’t let the world get her down

Doesn’t mean she’s not hurting and cries herself to sleep when no one’s around

We might seem all over the place but our feet are firmly planted on the ground!

That’s the strength of a woman, something I’d like to share

We are strong! We are courageous! We are beautiful!

No matter what, No matter where!

We hold our head up high even though the world is on our shoulders!

We smile just to Thank God for another day

We act out of love and share our problems with our sisters

We do not allow the bad times to lead us astray.

The strength of a woman is everlasting, like the comfort of God’s love

It is tested daily but a Woman’s faith knows she’ll get the strength from above…


W = Warrior
O= Optimistic
M= Motivated
A= Ambitious
N= Noble

Friday 20 July 2012

Happy Friday!

Been so blessed this week! My Fan Page on Facebook is doing well and my blog is coming along :)

Have an awesome weekend everyone! God Bless!

Thursday 19 July 2012

Epic Communications 

I think it’s only fair that I speak about my job that I love to bits!.

Apart from modeling, I’m working towards becoming Operations Manager at a PR and communications firm called Epic Communications

I’ve been with Epic since November 2010 as an intern and now as PA and Account Executive. 

It’s important to develop a close relationship to people you are spending 160 hours a month with! It might not seem that much, but your work colleagues are the people you spend the most time with in your life.

Epic has become like a family to me. It’s not just the daily responsibilities and the challenges that sometimes take its toll; it’s that fact that whenever you need a helping hand, there’s someone reaching out to help you. 

My job is very important to me and I wouldn’t trade it for the world! Check out our new ad below.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Happy Birthday Madiba!

I was only 4 years old when Nelson Mandela was released so im not going to talk about what he has done for the country or the impact his made on the lives of South Africans, i wouldnt know where to start! Im going to show you what Epic Communications did for 67 minutes on Mandela Day :)

A picture says a thousand words :)

Tuesday 17 July 2012

You are your own BRAND

Hello Donna! Welcome to the 21st century where technology and the internet have become emperors of our world! It was only after i created my own blog earlier today, when i realized how important it is to brand yourself and to take full advantage of social media in order to successfully get "YOU" out there!

A recent website i came across taught me that your blog, fan page, Facebook and twitter page is a reflection of you. I've become so motivated and encouraged to explore new mediums because there are endless ways of portraying yourself. BUT! One should always be careful about what we say and what we display on these mediums.

I would hate to be publically embarrassed because i couldn't keep my mouth shut and decided to publicise my inner most thoughts on my twitter page!

It has been an awesome day and i'm really enjoying adding to my blog and learning more each day from my fellow bloggers and Google :)

Hello 21st century :) I WELCOME YOU WITH OPEN ARMS

Hi I'm Donna Solomons , 10 years in the modelling industry, Operations Manager for Epic Communications and Cat Lover! Lets keep this short and sweet so there can be more to follow :). In one day, I've created a fan page which i thought I'd never do and now Ive got my own blog to write exactly what i feel like and how im feeling! Awesome! I'm a chatterbox so you there will be plenty of writing!