Monday 13 August 2012

The model in ME

I’m a model. That does not mean skinny, anorexic and underweight.

It means I portray ME. All that I am and how I see the world. It’s a reflection of who I am and what I stand for.
Unfortunately the Modeling world has been viewed negatively by international and local models who have made modeling their lives by struggling to live healthy normal lives because they have to stay skinny to portray a particular image.

Teenagers are brought up believing that in order to be a model I have to be skinny.
There is so much more to it than that!

For the past 10 years I have had my fair share of watching models watch what they eat, and make their bodies suffer in order to look good. Luckily I have good genes and I never had to worry about putting on weight because I am naturally slim. 

In this industry you have to be more than that! I have recently joined 360 training in Woodstock with personal trainer Chris Walsh. I’m happy with being slim but I also want to be fit! Strong is the new skinny people!
So many perceive modeling to be this fairytale job where you don’t have to do much beside strut a few poses here and there and that gets you good money. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!

Its takes commitment, determination and most of all confidence in yourself! 

There are thousands of models out there and when you walk into that casting room you have to be YOU in the best way you can be to stand out and be chosen. I’m not going to change the worlds view on models but I hope I’ve given you something to think about. A model is simply a reflection of YOU. Be yourself, be healthy and take care of yourself. You only have one life! Live it wisely!

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